Sunday, 30 September 2012


Hey updaters, just thought I might inform you with something that's going on.

When I log into Woozworld a sign comes up that says "Error occurred in this unitz, please try again later" or something like that.

A lot of people think it's another hacker. Personally, I think it is, too. I tried going into one of my unitz on WoozIn and I still couldn't get in.

I hope this ends soon! Or I'll die =="

Sayonara! xo


Saturday, 29 September 2012

I Met BrookiexJ xDD

Hey guys!

So, I was looking at the SOTW (star of the week) displays. And someone invited me to theirs. And... it was BrookiexJ
Check her blog out: 

I'm on my laptop, so I don't have a picture:/ But she said I could possibly get a shoutout :O!!

Thankyou Brookie!

Ciao! xox

Friday, 28 September 2012

I got suspended DX

I've been suspended! I don't even know what I did?
Maybe someone just reported me :/
This is what happened when I logged in 

I was like "NO!!!!!!!!!!!"
But I have to face reality. The suspension shouldn't last that much longer, I guess it's okay. For now:/

Hey updaters!

hehe, I just thought I might call you something since I'm always saying the casual "hello"
There's this new unitz to connect to Woozworld, outside of Woozworld!

It's called "social internet cafe" it'll probably pop up on the little adds on the side.

I'll be posting more fashion updates soon! xo
Top 5 Most Popular Hang-outs xD

5) Woozworld Plaza
4) Fairy Chamber
3) Street
2) Cave
1) Quests Woozen

This is the list in my opinion, there are obviously other hang-outs, but this is my list.
Hey guys! It's 3t3h3i here:) I finally became VIP! That's my profile xD
I'm so happy today!
Thanks for reading x3
Ciao! xo

Last Day Of School!

Hehe, I felt technical :P
Anyway, school's finally over for this term(: So, I'll be posting a little more than usual. 
I'm also getting VIP today! Best day ever! 
BluSaphiire is a new member of the blog, email me at to be a member. 
Not really much more I need to say, I've been requested to do more fashion updates, and I will do! 
Shout out to some of my Woozworld friends :3
Enkorocker (enkokiller)
kelli12345 (ilovecandytotall)

You guys are awesome! And be sure to add them(;

Have a good life! xox

Thursday, 27 September 2012

BluSaphiire Joins the crew!

Bonjour everyone! 
I just joined this blog, my name is "BluSaphiire" add me if you wish(:

I write about any article, any subject and you'll hopefully see me on this blog more often!

Thankyou to 3t3h3i for letting me be a part of this blog!

Woozworld is back up! I wonder what they did... lol it doesn't matter, WOOZWORLD IS BACK UP! XD
NO! Woozworld is down! D': Well, it's a bad thing for me, since I LOVE Woozworld D: 

I feel like writing in colours as well :D

But use the tips I posted, if you're anything like myself, then you would be panicking! 

Well, thanks for reading! And I hope that Woozworld will be back up, SOON!

Ciao! xo

Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Colour Codes :)

Hey guys! I have some Colour Codes for you today ^_^

Neon green- ff00 or ef00

Neon purple- 6600ff
Neon pink- ff0066 or ef0066
Neon blue- Ff or ef
Neon yellow- efef00
Neon Red- ff0000
Gold- eea500
Dark Gold- D4A019
Dark Neon Blue- bf
Light Neon Purple- Bbooff
Perfect Red- fc0000
Neon Orange- dd4000
Dark Green- 4400
Chartruce- 99ff00
Mint- aadfa4
Peach- ff8877
Pastel- 9999ff or 6666ff
Baby Blue- ff8fd
Baby Pink- ff8fda
The Best Gold- ffd700
Magenta- cc00ff
Lilac- aca7da
Girly Marroon- 940066
JennyWooz’s Colour Pink- ffbfbf
JennyWooz’s Colour Green- 5ad9ad
Light Gold- eeca00

The Colours on the words probably don't match the actual colours:/ But oh well, how many did I get correct? XD

Connect with me :)

Well, I thought you might want to connect with me? 




Instagram: @eden_beret3


That's all I've got for you (hehe) Follow me on Pinterest and twitter and I'll follow you back(:

Live well, Love well, Be well. xo

If Woozworld is down...

It's quite funny seeing some of my friends freak when they see that Woozworld is down, but here's a count down of what you can do:

10) Read some magazines, books etc.
9) Do some homework. It's honestly not too bad.
8) Stare infront of the computer and wait for Woozworld to be back up :P
7) Watch movies, invite some friends over!
6) Go to the park, beach, a walk etc. It's good to go outside for a while.
5) Try something new. Make a new hobby, like rollerskating or fishing
4) Play a different game. Like Moshi Monsters, Club Penguin, WeeWorld etc.
3) Listen to some music, practise your instument if you have one.
2) Go to a friends house. It's always nice seeing your best friend!
1) Panic and go crazy because you can't play woozworld at the moment.

Well I hope these tips helped(: 
And make sure you have lots of things to eat and drink!
Well Ciao! xo
Banana split! Apple pie! Banana pie! Apple split! xD Thanks to my buddies: yeahbubbywiz, funkfresh, and blusaphiire(: I'm in the one who says banana pie! xD
Konnichiwa! So, I had held a tent party last night, and look at the stats! There were no votes, and 100 visits before I started, and look at it now! I'm not even VIP, but it shows how hard work can pay off! I met some great people like, enkorocker, selenaraw, friendlyaisi, and some more I can't remember. I'll be sure to mention them though! Well, have a good life! xo

Hey everybody! This Friday is going to be EPIC! Well, to end school for this term we're having a party at my school :) I'm also getting ... VIP! My mum finally let me get it! Peace out guys! xo
Hey everyone! It's been a while since I've been posting. But oh well. There is a new collection out. A lot of people are adapting to it already! Even if some of us are ending school by the end of this month, a lot of others are just starting! In my opinion, the clothes are amazing! Well, you better hurry though! The items are only on sale until September 30th! (Also the Mid-Autumn festival in south-east Asia) So be quick! Anyway, if you're where I am have a safe and happy holidays, or have a good school year ^_^ Bye! xo

Saturday, 1 September 2012

Hey guys,
Just like to say happy Father's day to all the dad's out there, I saw a few father's day unitz in woozworld today :)