Hey guys! It's 3t3h3i here!
I know a lot of you would probably already know this glitch, but...
I'm just going to teach you how to moonwalk! It's really simple and a lot of you guys would ready know it! -.-"
Type in /moonwalk in the chat bar, then press enter or OK.
After that, walk somewhere and ... you'll be moonwalking!
I know, I know. It's old! But I might as well share it? xD
-Ciao x
The Fireballs cheat is a known but not all woozens will know it.
Its very simple :D follow these easy and simple steps!!!
1. Go into a unit, crowded is best
2. with your arrow keys Hit the following: Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right
Then in your chat box type: BA
And then hit OK or enter.
Well, that's the fireball cheat. I'll be posting more everyday.
Au Reviour!
BluSaphiire here!
This section will be about cheats and glitches, new and old. So don't worry if you already know them!
I know quite a few and I'll post one each day, until I run out!
Sometimes, the post might be 3t3h3i but, they'll mostly be by myself.
I'll start putting glitches up tomorrow!
Au Reviour~!
I love these blogs so mucn